Visit of Major General Tony Wright, ACT DCOS for SPP
On 3 March 2023 MG Tony WRIGHT, ACT DCOS for SPP, visited for the first time the NATO SP COE.
In the context of his presence in the International SP Hub, before the NATO SP COE briefing, he also attended an office call with the Director, in his office, which was joined by EUROGENDFOR Commander and COESPU Deputy Director.
The presentation of the Centre raised considerable interest for the ACT high-level official, highlighting potential areas of collaboration, including:
― the presentation given by NATO SP COE Director about the future role of Stability Policing which derives from the new NATO Strategic Concept;
― the intention of the Centre to explore the SP potential within the wider NATO Human Security domain, also by organizing a dedicated conference in June 2023;
― the interest of the NATO SP COE to be actively involved in the ACT project of developing a concept about “Multi Domain Operations in Urban Environment” (MDO in UE);
― the development of the exploratory concept about the “Cognitive Warfare” and the potential role of SP inside it.
The meeting was successful, productive, and highlighted the commitment of the NATO SP COE to be more involved in the NATO activities about Human Security and Cognitive Warfare.
By the same token, MG WRIGHT highly praised the CoE’s deliverable and acknowledged that NATO SP COE and Stability Policing as a function can bring added value to the development of the MDO in UE concept.