Access to the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP) and to the NATO Stability Policing Community of Interest (NATO SP COI) new procedure.
Dear SP Community of Interest,
Starting from March 2020 the access to the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP) on the NATO Unclassified/internet and to the NATO SP CoI will be grant to interested users from NATO SP COE Sponsoring Nations (National Organizations represented within the COE) upon completing the USER Registration process through the following link:
Within 4 working days a “User” and a “temporary passport” will be provided to you, with the following remarks:
- you have to use your institutional email address;
- in the area dedicated entitled “Provide any/extra information in support of your application”, you should mention that you are interested to join the Stability Policing Community of Interest.
Access is granted for a maximum of three years.
By becoming member of our SP CoI you can benefit from our Lessons Learned products and other useful publications related to NATO SP area.
NLLP is the tool to facilitate the Lessons Learned process, in accordance with the NATO Lessons Learned Policy and Bi-SC Directive 080-006, Lessons Learned.
The Lessons Learned (LL) SPCoI is a specific website on the NLLP designed to facilitate the sharing of SP related information and the interaction of the NLLP members with a common interest on a specific subject within a specific area of expertise.
The SP LL CoI Area could provide inter-alia:
- Access to a dedicated Library where Lessons Learned related information can be published by the Administrator;
- Documents search functionality;
- A place to announce latest CoI released news/events;
- Links to other websites;
- Other optional elements aimed to fit the specific CoI needs.
The LLCoI Area, or part(s) of it, can be made accessible to all NLLP Users or only to those authorized by the Administrator (i.e. CoI Members), in accordance with the CoI internal regulations.
The members of the SP LL CoI could also upload documents, articles, presentations, research studies on Stability Policing and SP-related issues.
The publication of these documents is subjected to the approval of the administrator of the SP LL CoI.
By accessing the NLLP, the users agree with the following Terms and Conditions:
- The originators of the documents are responsible for assigning the right classification and, when appropriate, make the documents releasable;
- The originators/contributors are responsible to inform the NLLP Managers by email if there is a limitation in sharing the submitted document into the NLLP on NS WAN;
- By sending contributions, the originators agree to share the information with all users who have granted access in accordance with the policy in place;
- The originator continues to be the owner of the information and any update or follow-up should be sent to the NLLP Managers;
- Copyrights are applicable;
- The users can handle the information from the NLLP in fully accordance with the NATO Security Policy: “NATO UNCLASSIFIED” (“Releasable to ….”, if applicable) information shall only be used for official purposes and only individuals, bodies or organizations that require it for official NATO purposes may have access to it (Annex 1, C-M(2002)60 – The management of Non-Classified NATO Information, para 2);
- The users update their details in the NLLP, “My Account” (Grade; Service; Branch; Post; Telephone; NCN).
Please, do not hesitate to contact us, at [email protected], for further details or clarifications.
Thank you.