Republic of Turkey
Turkish Gendarmerie
Asakir-i Zaptiye Nizamnamesi (Military Law Enforcement Regulation) entered into force on the date of June 14, 1839 which was accepted as the founding date of the Gendarmerie.
It took the name “Jandarma” as it is used today.
The organization, which continued to modernize in 1908, was attached to the Ministry of War and was named General Gendarmerie Command.
Gendarmerie Regional Inspectorates and Provincial Gendarmerie Regiment Commands were reorganized and Mobile Gendarmerie Units were strengthened.
The “Gendarmerie Organization and Duty Regulations”, which constituted the legal basis of the gendarmerie organization of the period, came into force and with this law, the duty of protecting the prisons was given to the Gendarmerie in addition to the security and public order duties.
The gendarmerie was reorganized into four groups: Stationary Gendarmerie Units, Mobile Gendarmerie Units, Gendarmerie Training Units and Schools.
With a law enacted in 1956, the General Command of Gendarmerie was responsible for the security and protection of our border, coastal and territorial waters, as well as the prevention, monitoring and investigation of smuggling in customs areas, carried out by the General Command of Customs. This task has been transferred to the Land Forces Command since 21 March 2013.
The first Gendarmerie Aviation Association was established in Diyarbakır.
The Law No. 2803 on the Organization, Duties and Powers of the Gendarmerie, which constitutes the basic legislation of today’s Gendarmerie, has entered into force.
The Gendarmerie became a member of the FIEP.
The Gendarmerie became an observer member of the European Gendarmerie Force (AJK).
With the decree numbered 668, the Gendarmerie General Command was subordinated to the Ministry of Interior with the amendment made in the 4th article of the Law on the Organization, Duties and Powers of the Gendarmerie No. 2803.