Hellenic Republic
Hellenic Navy
Greece, one of the Centre of Excellence’s Sponsoring Nations, participates with all three Services of the Armed Forces, Army, Navy, Air Force Corps, being under the supervision of the Military Police Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff.
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The history of the Hellenic Navy does not have a concrete point of beginning. Its roots are lost in the depths of centuries of the history of mankind. In a geographical area of which any part is no more than 150 km away from the sea, the Greeks developed from the Prehistoric Age societies which were coastal in their majority. There, they learned to exploit the marine resources and loved the sea. Automatically, the need for protecting and further spreading the cultures that they had developed was created, having as a result the progressive development of the first organized units of the Hellenic Navy.
The beginning of the history of the fleet of the free Greek state. Greek fleet comprised of few “veteran” ships, which had participated in the struggle for independence
Hellenic Navy General Staff was founded. Its first chief was Admiral Kountouriotis.
Adoption of the English style of management, organization, and training, especially in the areas of strategy and insignia.
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