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Hellenic Republic

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Hellenic National Defence General Staff

Greece, one of the Centre of Excellence’s Sponsoring Nations, participates with all three Services of the Armed Forces, Army, Navy, Air Force Corps, being under the supervision of the Military Police Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff.




The HNDGS Chief holds the rank of the General or the respective ones in the other two Corps.

Exerts full command over all the Services of the Armed Forces

He is supported by staff comprised of officers from all Services, Army, Navy and Air Force Corps, within the HNDGS Headquarters located in Athens.

Greece as a full member of UN, NATO, EU, and other International Organizations, participates in peacekeeping missions, allocating cadres from the three Services of the Armed Forces.

The Hellenic contribution in peacekeeping missions is subject to certain fundamental conditions, before establishing a force, chain of command and size, as well the adoption of clear Rules of Engagement.

Peace support operations in which the Hellenic Army has participated in the last decade of the 20th Century and early 21st Century, demonstrated that Greek Armed Forces can adapt quickly and adequately to any scenario and requirements within the International Community.

The fragile international environment consequently emerged the need for decisive act, while other regional organizations such as the E.U., Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and NATO, were significant and sometimes crucial supporters of the international stability.

The deployment of unarmed observers in various parts of the world where conflicts were taking place, without the cooperation of the local conflicting parties, resulted to the creation and development of the doctrine for Imposing Peace by the UN, NATO and EU, in order to persuade or force the conflicting parties to come to a peaceful settlement of their differences.