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Hellenic Republic

Hellenic Republic

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Hellenic Air Force

Greece, one of the Centre of Excellence’s Sponsoring Nations, participates with all three Services of the Armed Forces, Army, Navy, Air Force Corps, being under the supervision of the Military Police Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff.

The Hellenic Air Force General Staff (HAFGS) consists of:

The Chief of Hellenic Air Force General Staff

The Deputy Chief of Hellenic Air Force General Staff

The Chief of Staff The branches of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, which are subject to the Deputy Chief of HAFGS including the Directorates, Departments and Offices which they comprise.

HAFGS is the Supreme Hierarchical Echelon of the Hellenic Air Force (HAF), which is in place to support the Chief of the HAF (C/HAF), in order to perform powers and duties in times of peace, crisis and war, as provided by the relevant Orders of the State. Specifically, its mission is to ensure the proper organization, staffing, training, armament, equipment  maintenance, assessment and Air Operations planning, with the aim to ensure the Air Defence, the Territorial Integrity, the National Sovereignty, the Sovereign Rights, the nation’s competences and, in general, the national interests, as determined by international treaties or decisions of International Organizations, against threats, provocations and/or armed attacks, in accordance to C/HAF’s orders, C/HNDGS’s directions and the instructions of the Minister of National Defense.