Hellenic Republic
Hellenic National Defence General Staff
Greece, one of the Centre of Excellence’s Sponsoring Nations, participates with all three Services of the Armed Forces, Army, Navy, Air Force Corps, being under the supervision of the Military Police Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff.
Establishment of Ministry of National Defence to replace the previous Army, Navy and Air Force Ministries. Establishment of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) through which the Minister of National Defence practised all functions.
HNDGS stopped being a coordinating body of the three Services of the Armed Forces. Change into The Armed Forces Supreme Command and assumed full command over the three Services of the Armed Forces in peacetime and wartime.
Armed Forces Supreme Command was named HNDGS and became the Supreme coordinating authority of the Armed Forces Chiefs of General Army, Navy and Air Force Staffs have the full command over their respective Services.
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